Monday, November 14, 2022

Artist Statement for Project 4

                For this project, I wanted to take the idea of place and expand that to not just a place that exists already instead I wanted to create my own space. So, I utilized my manga collection, which I know is at least 100 volumes if not more to be honest. Now, I can make an interesting physical space with them, like I wanted to reflect a cave-like structure and mountainous feeling. The feeling also contributes to my thoughts on escapism.

Using the ideas of mountains and caves, I wanted to reflect that feeling of wanting to escape via fictional means, and the want to wall oneself into the world of fiction. I as a person am very susceptible to using fiction to escape my own problems, perhaps it has something to do with my tendency to dissociate, but who is to say.  I also used manga, which is part of Japanese media, to highlight this, because of the highly fantastical nature of the media. Japan is a country that has media that is so distinct and so out of the realm of reality, that it is an easy means to escape reality. This complete fantasy is something that thrives in a place like Japan where working and school life is not easy, there is a reason why the suicide-rates are high in a place like that. The need to build a place away from reality, to surround yourself in fiction, thrives in Japan, because of the huge societal pressure placed on people’s shoulders. While I personally do not have that huge of a load on my shoulders, I understand the want and need for escapism, I mean I have amassed an ever-growing collection personally.

While fiction is not real, people still will use it to create a comfortable place for them to wall themselves in for a while, to take a break from reality for a moment. 

Top 3 of Semester