Monday, December 5, 2022

P5 - Artist Statement

 P5 Artist Statement

For this project I wished to do a transformation idea, so I thought about what would be something that could change easily in just one week, then the idea hit me flowers. Recently my mother and I have been saving flowers that we have received as gifts and been drying them to help persevere them. We have done that with my sister’s flowers from her wedding, more recently my mother has done this with the bouquet of roses that I had given to her for Mother’s day. We want to preserve those things that haven given us a sense of joy in life. But at the sametime our memories do fade, they can wither, sometimes those things are not as fresh as they used to be, like a drying bouquet of flowers. The dried flowers are still pretty by their own means, but they are still dulled. They are still not what they used to be. Nothing can be completely preserved, things still will decompose and rot, but we try to keep them fresh all the time. We want these things to remain the same all the time. I suppose my interest in death has something to do with all this, the passing from one stage to the next. But memories and they are fuzzy memories that are fading day by day, thus the withering flowers. Receiving flowers are a huge part of memories, but like I said those memories will become vague overtime and will lose the luster that they once possessed.

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